I have a question. What does "a strand of ... hair" mean in the passage below? "Barbara pushed back a strand of wispy salt-and-pepper hair, pausing before she spoke. “I learned early on to let go of the need to be right. It changed my marriage.” I looked (2024)


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17 Apr

  • Japanisch
  • Englisch (US)

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I have a question. What does "a strand of ... hair" mean in the passage below? "Barbara pushed back a strand of wispy salt-and-pepper hair, pausing before she spoke. “I learned early on to let go of the need to be right. It changed my marriage.” I looked up the phrase and the dictionary said "a hair". What? She pushed back a hair? Only one hair? Strange! If she had only one hair on her head, she might be able to do it. (2)

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17 Apr

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  • Englisch (US)

@u-1 "a strand of hair" refers to a small section or piece of hair. It's not necessarily one single hair, but rather a small portion of hair that's long enough to be noticeable or to be pushed back. So, Barbara pushed back a small section of her wispy salt-and-pepper hair before she spoke. It's a common expression to describe a gesture of tidying or adjusting one's hair.

I have a question. What does "a strand of ... hair" mean in the passage below? "Barbara pushed back a strand of wispy salt-and-pepper hair, pausing before she spoke. “I learned early on to let go of the need to be right. It changed my marriage.” I looked up the phrase and the dictionary said "a hair". What? She pushed back a hair? Only one hair? Strange! If she had only one hair on her head, she might be able to do it. (4)

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17 Apr

  • Japanisch

@Keiji4004 Ahh it makes sense. It means "a small portion of hair". I wonder why the online dictionary failed to mention it. Anyway, thank you for your help. Arigato🙏.

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I have a question. What does "a strand of ... hair" mean in the passage below? "Barbara pushed back a strand of wispy salt-and-pepper hair, pausing before she spoke. “I learned early on to let go of the need to be right. It changed my marriage.” I looked up the phrase and the dictionary said "a hair". What? She pushed back a hair? Only one hair? Strange! If she had only one hair on her head, she might be able to do it. (12)

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I have a question. What does "a strand of ... hair" mean in the passage below? "Barbara pushed back a strand of wispy salt-and-pepper hair, pausing before she spoke. “I learned early on to let go of the need to be right. It changed my marriage.” I looked up the phrase and the dictionary said "a hair". What? She pushed back a hair? Only one hair? Strange! If she had only one hair on her head, she might be able to do it. (13)Was ist dieses Symbol?

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I have a question. What does "a strand of ... hair" mean in the passage below? "Barbara pushed back a strand of wispy salt-and-pepper hair, pausing before she spoke. “I learned early on to let go of the need to be right. It changed my marriage.” I looked up the phrase and the dictionary said "a hair". What? She pushed back a hair? Only one hair? Strange! If she had only one hair on her head, she might be able to do it. (14)

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I have a question. What does "a strand of ... hair" mean in the passage below? "Barbara pushed back a strand of wispy salt-and-pepper hair, pausing before she spoke. “I learned early on to let go of the need to be right. It changed my marriage.” I looked up the phrase and the dictionary said "a hair". What? She pushed back a hair? Only one hair? Strange! If she had only one hair on her head, she might be able to do it. (15)

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I have a question. What does "a strand of ... hair" mean in the passage below? "Barbara pushed back a strand of wispy salt-and-pepper hair, pausing before she spoke. “I learned early on to let go of the need to be right. It changed my marriage.” I looked  (2024)
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